“Strippers On Strike”
“Many of us are instructed to leave our emotions out of our decision making processes. It’s thought to be imprudent, reactionary, and ultimately destructive to insist that our internal strife is indicative of the change that we must work to materialize in the real world. But here was a lesson in emotional intelligence—or perhaps rather, in the intelligence of emotions. Velveeta’s emphasis on “seizing the moment” is a recognition that the anger will slip away again if we always allow intellect to subsume the senses. But these strippers trusted the feelin’, baby!
“saturdays are for the 1 in 5 single men who have no close friends”
“I find myself thinking not for the first or even for the hundredth time, the lengths that men will go to to not “be like a woman” is mind-blowing. And what does this chronic distancing from all things “feminine” reveal if not a subconscious or even explicit knowledge of the suffering and unfairness that women and all non-men face in this life?”
“Maybe You Should Try Dating Women”
“I’m tired of the knee-jerk implication that women who date men are misunderstanding their problem and that women-loving-women relationships are some sort of impossibly idol, and yet simultaneously less-than-ideal alternative to said problem.”